Why does God allow evil? Why does He permit natural disasters and tragedies that only He could prevent? Do you believe that God is both all-knowing and all-powerful? If so, He must know what suffering lays ahead (such as children being trapped under debris after an earthquake or tsunamis sucking babies out of their mothers' arms), and He could stop it if He chose, so why doesn't He?
Thanks for your thoughts! Sara Waldack
God is all powerful, but still wants to give us choice. Freewill is the key. We were made for a perfect world but this world is not perfect due to original sin. Therefore, although God feels our pain too when things go wrong with this world, he gives us this promise-That we can live in a place where there is no pain or suffering. Once we have this promise, death loses its sting, and so while someones passing is sad, we know they have gone to a far better place.
yes i believe god is all powerful and i really couldnt tell you why God allows bad things or evil things to happen but sometimes i believe it is for the sins that we created and that we are being punished for them.
leah perdue
to tell the truth no one knows why bad things happen to good people. That i have been wondering for so many years. I've lost some very influential people in my life and it hurts terribly painful. I have some so-call friends that should have been taken away some time back, the lord works in mis-serious ways, unexplainable?
Daryl Brown
To tell you the truth, i don't really care if god is all powerful. I feel that very often we bring bad things down upon our selves. I think that god cares about us and he knows what our future hold, i just think that he wants us to learn from our own mistakes. It is up to us to stop shooting our selves in the foot.
From Phil Gould:
Yep, i believe that God is all-powerful. He allows these things to happen to us because we chose sin over him! Not as punishment-mind you-just as a remionder that things are better where we are headed!
I quit believing God was both all powerful and all good when I read the story of a boy named Corey Anderson, who froze to death a few years ago during a blizzard. This sweet 9 year old boy suffered terribly, both emotionally and physically, in a way no child should ever suffer. I can't believe that God was watching over him and thinking "we'll reward him in heaven for his suffering on Earth." No way! There's no way to make up for that kind of torture, once it has occurred.
This is just one tiny example of the horrible injustice in the world. Innocent children die while evil people prosper in a multitude of ways. I can see no possible point in allowing this to happen, and that's why I think God is not as powerful, or not as good, as everyone claims He is.
Jason Horath
God allows evil, because he gave us all the ability for free will, which allows the influence of the evils of the devil and hell. No one can answer why someone dies while others live or why children can die so young. God has a plan with everyone, and sometimes the plan is for a short time or a long time. If he stopped everyone from dying then the world would be overpopulated, God could control everything, but he wants us to learn life's lesson ourselves, and sometimes that means we need to suffer something to learn. But i believe it all comes down to the fact that we have free will.
-Richard Hon
Because God is all powerful as well as loving, He gave us free will. We chose to live lives of sin over Him. We are not the only ones who suffer. When we feel pain, God feels it to because He is our Creator. He also created Heaven so we will be rewarded for our time living in an imperfect world. God has a plan for everyone, and though it may seem unfair, we get what we justly deserve.
Teresa Osterbur
I think GOD allows bad things to happen to good people, because the more trials we go through the stronger we become. We need to be strong in today's world, because this world is tough and we need to have tough skin to survive. Also some of the problems we go through is a result of our own choices, afterall we were created with free will. I do know that GOD has promised that he will removed suffering from the earth, so that mankind can be happy, So we need to endure to the end, because eventually we will reap if we do not tire out.
Beverly Burnside
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