Ever since the first human came to be on planet earth, we have been asking questions and trying to find answers to everything. One question still remains unanswered: how did we come into existence? Was there a big explosion or “Big Bang” that started it all, or were we created by a higher power. If we were created, did He just create us or did He create the entire universe, too? Is there any concrete proof to support either idea? Or will this question continue to go on unanswered?
In the United States, beginning in third grade, students are required by law to take standardized tests.Tests such as Illinois Standard Achievement Tests and the ACT ask multiple-choice questions where only one answer is correct.Is this form of evaluation testing memorization and good test taking skills or actual knowledge that the student has gained from the school?Are teachers being forced to teach only what the state says is important?
Students who speak other languages such as Spanish are also forced to take the standardized tests in English.Students coming from households where English is not the spoken language do not begin learning English until third grade, the same year they must start taking the ISAT or some other test.Schools are funded based on how well their students perform, but if the students in the school do not read English well enough to be able to read the questions, how can they possibly be successful at taking the tests?Since the students cannot even read the test questions, why should they even attempt to answer the questions?Should the tests be offered in other languages?Is there another way that student progress could be monitored other than taking standard achievement tests? Do you think these tests really measure academic achievement? What comments do you have about standardized testing in general?