Friday, April 01, 2011

Is abortion ever okay?

Is choosing to have an abortion ever the right thing to do morally? Is choosing to abort your baby ever morally okay? Or do you think abortion is always morally wrong?

What if conception of an embryo was caused by rape or incest? What if the mother cannot emotionally care for an infant? What if having the child puts other children in the home at a higher risk--less money for food to eat, clothes to wear, shelter, or medical attention? What if adoption can't guarantee a loving home? Is abortion an okay choice in any of these cases?

Peggy B. (1:00)


English student said...

Abortion is sometimes the best option. Not often, but sometimes. I had an abortion when I was 15 (almost 16) because my boyfriend, who was 20, broke up with me and left town when he found out I was pregnant. I wanted to marry him and have our baby. My mom and I talked to my doctor, and he told us I had a problem that needed to be fixed before I gave birth. He said that if I had this baby, the baby would probably die plus I would never be able to have babies again. I always wanted a big family with many children, so when I heard this I decided to have the abortion--not to kill my first baby but to allow my future babies to live. I now have 4 children and am expecting another in November. The way I look at it is I saved the lives of my current children by having my first (and only) abortion. I know some people would not see it this way, but I did what I felt I had to do. I have told my oldest son (13) about my abortion, and he said I did the right thing but that he wished he could have met his older brother or sister. That made me cry but it also made me realize what a great family I have. I do wish I had somewhere I could go to visit the memory of my unborn first child.

But is abortion ALWAYS wrong? I have to say no.

Tina Carnes

Anonymous said...

Yes, in some cases ,unfortunately, abortion is the right choice to make. Some people might disagree,and quote their bible passages,and argue their point. Yet, they aren't the ones who have to make that judgement call, so they have no right to but into someone elses decision when they don't know why that choice was made. I would consider it the most humane choice when it comes to possibly having a child with physical or mental challenges. Why put a baby through that if you find out soon enough to terminate the pregnancy? While many would scream"right to life" , I would say"what kind of life would they actually have?". I personally have never had an abortion. I intentionally set out to get pregnant both times. However, noone has the right to judge another persons choice when it comes to this controvertial topic. The people who stand in judgement of others don't even take into consideration the potential mothers place in life, such as her income,education, and potential to properly care for the unborn child.As far as giving up the child for adoption as a possible solution , It isn't always a cut and dried answer. I can't even imagine being raped and having to carry my rapists seed inside of me for 9 months . It would be so traumatic that alot of emotionally unstable people would not be able to take it.

Michelle Humes

English student said...

Abortion is immoral but at the same time if it is nessesary it has to be done. Most woman have this to terminate pregnancy because they cant handle having a child at that moment in their lives (such as a financial or they may not be ready.)I believe its not right because the mother and the father are responsible for the baby even being in existance. In the end its an organism that might or might not live. But at the end of the day its just about making a responsible choice.
Rocky V.

English student said...

I am totally for abortion. I'm not saying that it is right because its really not. But i think that it would be the right thing to do for the woman if she was raped. Not all women are fit to be a mother and if they think they cannot do it then that would be their decision. As far as putting a child into a home that may not be the best of an idea. That child won't get to live the life that many others do which may lead the child to become troubled. If you were to give that child up for adoption there is always that chance of giving that child to a wrongful parent that may neglect and abuse that child. It's never "morally" okay, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Nikki (1:00)

English student said...

Abortion can sometimes be one of the best decisions, especially when your young and you know that your not prepared to have a baby. It all depends on the couple or the mother whether if they want to keep the child or if they want to kill it. Me personally don't think that i would kill my child if i were to ever concieve one because, if i could lay there and have sex with someone oand know that it is possible for me to become pregnant, then that is just what i will have to do. i honestly do not believe in abortions, but sometimes it can be the only option that some females have. for all of the cases that you have named, well then it is okay to have an abortion because in these cases the baby wouldnt get all of the love and care that it actually needs, but it all depends on the the individual and what they believe in.

English student said...

I do think having an abortion can be a right thing to do. If a mother is all alone and she knows she can't afford it there is always adoption. But then your child is not guaranteed a good home life. And your choice if to make the life better for your child. I dont believe in aborting a child if they have mental or physical problems if that is the only reason you choose too. I have worked Special Olympics back in home and grew up around mentally challenged kids. Also i took my free hour in high school to work with the kids. They can still have fun in life just like everyone else.
Jared (1:00)

English student said...

Statistically, the chances of pregnancy due to rape is extremely low because of the amount of stress during the rape. I don't believe in abortion because I was aborted, but something went wrong and I survived. I was then put up for adoption and and here now because of it.

Allison Pulkrabek

English student said...

Abortion is a serious subject. and it is sometimes the best answer for someones situation. i agree for abortion. girls get raped and just some mothers are not good parents or cant support the child. the worst thing for a parent to do is to have the kid then neglect the kid so growing up they live a rough child hood not cool..

Terrian J

English student said...

abortions are a personal choice and i feel that if your not ready for a kid and everyone makes mistakes that you should have the right to make that decision

English student said...

i think this is an issue that is argued over way too much. it all comes down to the fact that this is a decision the mother and the father (if known) has to make, and nobody else. they are the ones who will have to live with the decision, nobody else. i personally am neutral to this issue, based on the simple fact that there are several different reasons for a woman to have an abortion. in many cases, the reason for the pregnancy is rape; others, it's carelessness. Also, some use it as a form of birth control, and that, i don't agree with. if you don't want a kid, take the proper precautions, or just simply keep your legs crossed. there are instances where there are severe medical issues, and it's in the mother's and the baby's best interest to abort. i can't really take a strong stance on this issue, one way or the other, as i have said, this is something the parent(s) have to decide and live with.

English student said...

Because of my religious beliefs, I do not believe that abortion is ever the right option, although, I do believe it should be the decision of the mother and father to make together unless the father is not around or it is a case of rape. I will not judge anyone who has had an abortion because I do not know their reasons and their situation but I do know that I don't think I would ever have one. Since I have never been in the situation of someone who has been raped, I do not know what I would do if I were to get pregnant. Having to carry a child of someone who hurt you that bad would be very, very difficult.
Morgan Russian

English student said...

I think that abortion is never okay. A child is the most sacred thing that one can bring into this world and that it should be never taken away. Also a child is never a "burden" in my opinion, yes its expensive and yes it takes time to take care of but why just kill i feel that's a very selfish and cowardly way out of the situation. Why should a child be punished for the actions of the mother. That would be like killing someones born child because their mother has gotten arrested. All in all i think that abortion is never okay and that every conceived child has the right to live.

Brett Scott (11:00)

English student said...

I feel that abortions are immoral. Abortion is wrong and should remain that way. In most cases pregnancy is the risk you take when you decide to have sex. There are many other better options for both the baby and the mother and father. But I guess if you would like to commit murder and bear that feeling for the rest of your life than go head with your decisions. But remember that there are plenty of people out there who would love to have kids that can't.

Clayton B. (11:00)

English student said...

I believe that abortion is alright in some circumstances. There are many risks and complications that can come with carrying a baby. There are many things that can go wrong for you or your child. Putting someone through that kind of pressure is not fair. If a mother,or a couple believe that is what is best for their child then they should have the right to do so.

Darci (11:00)

English student said...

The ONLY time abortion is ok is if you have been raped or you find out the baby will need 24/7 hour care no one should live life like that. Also if a girl gets pregnant and the boyfriend dis owns her, well she is the dumb ass who should have never spread her legs and had unsafe sex. I think those girls should be forced to have there kid unless it needs 24/7 care. If you are raped I mean I understand that you would have a thing there that reminds you everyday on how you got raped and the kid always wondering where the dad is at. But if you aren't raped and the child will be fine I think you should have it because the girl was willing to spread her legs. I mean there is no reason to kill a perfect human being.


English student said...

I honestly don't think abortion is okay unless you got pregnant from rape or because of a medical problem. If your in a relationship and you get pregnant then you should tell the person your with and talk it out and make a decision together. When you have an abortion your killing a human being that didn't do anything to deserve it.

Hillary M. (11:00)

English student said...

i think abortion is morally ok. i feel so because if you and a partner aren't ready to have kids, then its her body and if she doesn't want to go through with having a child that's her decision. If you force her to have the baby the baby could have a bad life cause finacially they can't afford enough for there family. Also who is to tell when a child is really a child, is it when the heart starts beating, is it when you actually have the baby, or when the brain is developed. You can't really say. Could they have the baby and have it be adopted yes, but I feel its too much of a hassel sometimes and its up to the mother and father of the child to figur eout if tehy need an abortion or not. Some people aren't meant to have children and making someone who is pregnant have a baby, I feel is wrong.
-jake rone-

English student said...

I don't think that abortion is ever okay. If the person does not want the baby, there are plenty of other people who would gladly take the kid from them. If the child is going to have problems, some life is better than none. I don't feel that anyone can make the decision if someone has the right to live or not.

Landon W 11:00

English student said...

Sometime it has to be done sadly, if its a threat to the mothers life, like the first post, than its has to be done. Also if the parents wouldn't be able to care for the child giving it food, clothing, shelter and if they do decide to have it and they still wont be able to take care of it then adoption would be the best idea. Its not always wrong, if they decide to abort its for an actual reason, I hope, rather than they just don't want it. If its a case of being raped then I wouldn't want to remember that person every, so I would. I couldn't think about giving birth to my rapists child. Some people say its the mothers decision, and that's most of it because it's her body and if the dad decides to leave then she has to take care of it alone. Its also the dads child too, yes he doesn't exactly have to give birth and carry the child but he helped create it and its his blood too.

~Lauren (11:00)

English student said...

I think abortion isn't always the right idea, but if the child is given to a children home and couldn't find a home or find his way through life. It is still better then dying, he still has a chance.
Daniel (1:00)