Friday, November 17, 2006

James' question on poverty. Why does it exist?

Should there be poverty in the United States in 2006? Why does poverty exist in the U.S.? What should be done about this problem? Do you know how many people in this country live below the poverty line? If not, what would your guess be? Is poverty a problem that needs to be urgently addressed in this country? Why or why not?


English student said...

There shouldn't be poverty in 2006, but poverty exist in the United States because of a lack of education and the fact that our government tries to get in volved in social issues. I'm a fim believer that we should have as little government as possible. Honestly social groups outside of the government are more productive at helping this cause then the government would ever be. The wellfare system n this country is a complete waste and I'm ashamed that my tax dollars are being put towards such an unproductive system. There is way to many loopholes in the system and people take advantage of it and it screws others. If I could, I wish I could take all my money that went into it and give it to non for profit organizations or churches that would be more productive with the matter. Religious groups and non for profit organizations should take the ball and run with it. They are the difference maker when it comes to poverty! As for poverty being a huge problem in this country I don't think that's true. A majority of Americans don't live in poverty but those who have more should help those who need help VOLUNTARLY. Not by the government and taxes.

Dan Berger

English student said...

I think there will always be poverty. im not certain how bad it is in america, but we're one of the richest nations on this planet, and even our country is laced with poverty. There's no way to eliminate it, but we have instititions working to relieve some of it. People have tried to eliminate poverty through systems like communism, which have proven time and agian to fail. I dont believe we should ignore the issue of poverty, but we cannot eliminate it.

English student said...

With all the money that is being used for unnecessary things in the U.S., i feel that poverty is unacceptable. For example billions of dollars are being used to go into outer space. For what? There is so much money being paid out to entertainers. For what? How is all of this helping make our country a better place. These are just a couple of examples of money being wasted, when we have people liviing in allies and children starving. It is also ridiculous for both parents go to work everyday and still remain below the poverty line. POVERTY IS UNACCEPTABLE IN THE UNITED STATES.

Richauna Williams

English student said...

No i dont think that there should be poverty in the US. Poverty exist because people are to cheap with there money like they pay basketball players more then they do doctors now that is unfair i feel like the doctors are the ones saving lifes and basketball players are just entaining people. The society has all there views messed up they dont know who should be getting more money or not. no i dont know but i would have to guess about like more that 25,000. yes it is a problem that needs to be fixed. the president wnats to waste money on an unneccessary war in iraq but let people starve and be poor. it like he doesnt care about his nation at all.

Edwidge Philizaire

English student said...

From Debra Porter:

I think this question is some-what related to the homeless question also from this class. I think that there shouldn't be poverty in 2006, but the poverty-stricken families just dont care and like to mooch off of everybody, or they just dont know what to do to help themselves get out of their situation. I dont really think about this subject much, so it doesn't really matter to me what it done about this problem. I know that there are things such as food donations and such, and I think that should continue. I dont know how many people live in poverty, but I'd guess 10%-15% of the US's population lives in poverty. I'd have to say that it should be addressed more because if the tax dollar thing Dan was talking about, but it doesn't really affect me other than my taxes, so I'm not that worried about it. I guess until I actually know someone that is in poverty then I will be more concerned with this subject.

English student said...

There shouldn't be poverty in the United States. I think the reason there is is two fold: Greed and selfishness, and ignorance. First of all, there is enough money in America that no one should go hungry or be homeless. However, the money is distributed unevenly -- those at the top (with all the money), keep those at the bottom at the bottom. Even if those at the bottom work extremely hard, are dedicated and loyal, they are kept at the mercy of their higher ups. The higher ups are told by their higher ups to keep costs down, which means wages and salaries. On the flip side, education is expensive. For those families who have never produced a college graduate, they may not know that there is assistance to pay for college. They may tell their children that they cannot afford for them to go to college, and therefore, the kid either gradutes high school and gets a minimum wage job, or if they're like me, thinking they're faced with a dead end street, he or she goes into the military for lack of better options. Not that the military is a bad place to be, or a good place to be, but for some, it seems like the only option. On another note, the divorce rate is awful in this country, and there are a lot of children of single parents. To live a modest lifestyle in America today, you either have to have a high level college education, or have a two-income household. Most single parents have neither. Further, there are a lot of children who are not receiving child support from their absent parent. People get mad when single parents have to go on welfare or get public assistance of some sort, but who is really to blame? Sure it costs the taxpayers money, but isn't it society's fault that these people have to live below the poverty level anyway? If education, medical care and decent food were cheaper and more accessible, don't you think everyone would want it? Sure, maybe some wouldn't, but I don't think anyone wants to feel like a failure, or to see their children suffer from their inability to make a decent living. We, as a society, need to make changes, so that being successful and healthy are attributes that each and every person in America is able to attain.

Stacie Carlson

English student said...

George Carlin once said - "The upper class makes 90% of the money, does none of the work. The middle class does 100% of the work, gets 10% of the money. The poor are there to scare the sh*t out of the middle class and keep them showing up at those jobs."

Do you not agree?

English student said...

There shouldn't be poverty, but I think no matter what, we will always have it. I don't really know what can be done about it, there are people all over the world trying to help it and doing what they can, but it's still always going to be an issue. Poverty is a problem, and it should be urgently adressed, but it won't be. The government if focused on different issues right now, and for what reason I do not know.

English student said...

I posted the above comment. -Caitlin Parker

English student said...

Poverty is an interesting thing to look at. I am amazed at how differently the government measures poverty vs. the way a sociologist may measure poverty.

I think people need to look at someone's net worth to measure poverty. Do many americans really own what they have or are they sacrificing the quality of their lives to work more hours to pay their lenders for the pocessions they are accumulating? oops...I think I am getting off the subject.

should poverty exist in america? I think that if you look at a chart that shows us the characteristics of the people in government who represent us - you will see that laws are being made about taxes, health care, etc that really don't have the majority of the United States People in mind. The people setting the laws are actually represent the minority when you look at their gender, their color, and their income.

It is no wonder that so many people in the United States are struggling.

I will give you a true example.
I know a single mother who works a full time job. Income wise her annual gross income is pretty good and statistically she is above the poverty level. On the other hand, after taxes, SSI, her min. 401K investment, and EXPENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, her net income is less than half of her gross income. After paying her house payment which is very low because she lives in a tiny house that required alot of free volunteers to fix it up, paying her water and lights, paying her phone bill and internet bill(needs to have internet for work and her kid's school work), buying food, and gas for her car (she buys used cars so she doesn't have a payment) she rarely has much left each month and usually she has to borrow money to pay for her daughters medical expenses. She has a daughter who is extremely ill and takes 7 prescription medicines that cost her $210 a month (even though she pays expensive medical insurance!) $210 is little under half of her net income for two weeks pay! Remember her net income is only half of her gross income. She often has to get food from the food bank and buy clothing at second hand stores. You see the problem here? MEDICAL INSURANCE and HIGH MEDICAL Costs are a huge problem for many people in the United States. That is only one of the many things that contributes to the poverty problem in the United States. I could go on, write a book...but I think this answer is long enough!

Jan Baker

English student said...

I think that there should no longer be poverty in the USA. We pay too much money to some people and then there isnt enough for some families. What is wrong with that picture. Or, professional they really need all that money? no...they dont. It just disgusts me when they start to throw a fit if they dont get a certain amount of money to go play a game. That game isnt benifitting anyone. That money could. It could feed how many starving families...clothe how many naked how many cold and tired souls?

I think it is the general populations' job to help take care of the needy. I dont think that the government monitors the welfare enough and it just disgusts me how people are just to lazy to go get a job when there are people busting thier butts and still barely making enough to survive that dont get adequate welfare.

Bridgette Overmyer

English student said...

From Barb Beals:

There shouldn't be poverty in the US. There are several factors that go into the reasons why there is. Lack of education is probably first and foremost. Lack of enough resources to even get back and forth to work, besides the cost of child care and meals. There are several agencies that help with some of these costs but they are seemingly designed to keep the family in poverty thus continuing to be a drain on the welfare system. For some there may be no way out. I would guess that 20% of American families life at or below the poverty line. Parents don't like to see their children go with out, or to see them suffer, so it's unfair to say it's out of lazyness that there is poverty. I think it's the 6.50 per hour jobs that create poverty. I think that it's the Wal-Mart's and the other super stores that help keep poverty going. How could someone raise their children on 6.50 per hour? If their rent is 450.00 per month they have to spend another 250.00 a month in utilities not to mention the car payment or even gas to go to work plus daycare let's see??? They are grossing 1040.00 per month THATS BEFORE TAXES!!! Poverty is here because for one the minimum wage is so low, secondly these people have gotten so far behind that they have no resources to pull themselves back up again immediately. It's a process I believe. If you want something bad enough you can do anything you put your mind to, after all I believe that's why half of the people going back to school are there. They have discovered that they are NOT invincible and they have finally realized that only an education will help them to never have to be in poverty again.

English student said...

I don't think their should be poverty in the US, but is this actually reality? Poverty exists because people cannot make enough money to support themselfs and their family. People are having families, and they are only making enough money to support one or two people. I don't know what can be done about people in poverty. We already have welfare programs that are helping a bunch of people out, but I guess that is not enough. I don't think the government should have to step in too much more than it already has. I am thinking there are probably over 5 million people in the US that are below the poverty line. It is probably alot more than this though. Poverty is something that needs to be addressed, but I don't think there will ever be a way of eliminating it.

Jeremy Lamb

English student said...

I dont think there should be poverty in the United States today but it still happens. Some people dont do alot to help themseleves and the government gets involved. I think poverty exists because people will spend money they dont have on things they dont need. More and more people are getting married and right awya starting a family, and they have the finanical struggles withb being able to support a family and having to pay the bills. Im not really sure how many people live below the poverty line but i am guessing it is pretty high. I would guess about 50% live below the poverty line. I think it should be addressed because so many people are under the poverty line and we shouldnt just ignore the problem. I dont know if it is necessarily a urgent step, but i think it is something that needs attention.

Stephanie Einck

English student said...

Poverty is an issue that I believe is totally unnecessary in the USA. Although it exists in places you would not believe. Even in high income suburbia. I know of a woman who is surviving on little to nothing, luckily her in-laws help ALOT.

I believe that since it is the governments obligation to provide free education to every child in the US-"no child left behind" they should continue that free education to include a college degree to those who make the grade and put in the effort. If the grade drops, you are cut off and have to pay for any received education.

I wish I had not spent so much of my life being a victum to Wal-mart. I worked there for 13 years and it got me nowhere. They used to say we were "family" well if that is true, the "Wal-mart family" SUCKS. They pay just enough to keep you out of the poverty lines-sometimes-depending on your family size. And then, the health insurance that costs you an arm and a leg, decides that over half of the "covered" expenses are "over and above the usual and customary charges" so they take off half and then pay 80/20 on what is left, leaving you with 70+ of the cost to pay. Health care is a really big issue in our country that goes hand-in-hand with poverty.

I am not sure what the percentage of people that live below the poverty line is but my guess would be extremely 45 to 57 percent.

And yes I think that poverty is an issue that needs immediate attention. There is always some group or another that wants to feed the poor in other countries-but what about the people of our country..homeless eating out of garbage is a national crime. I know of one man who, God rest his soul,has passed away at a young age--he went to california and lived in a cardboard box on the beach. Before he passed away, he had upgraded to a big flower pot(????-I didnt understand it either) but due to lack of health care and food
he lost his life. Its disgraceful!! In the strongest country in the world..makes you much longer will we get to keep saying that??

I will get off the soap box now..sorry..hope you can use some of my ramblings.

Pam Whisman

English student said...

I dont believe poverty should exist in 2006, but theres so many factors calculated into poverty, that a remedy for it will be impossible.
You could say theres poverty because jobs dont pay enough for what an average person needs to get by. You could also say its because people made the wrong choices in life and now cant get out of the hole they dug for themselves. You could also throw selfishness in there, if all the millionaires billionairs etc in this country, donated just a fraction of what they make for programs to educated and help those less fortunate, we could curb poverty.
I'm not sure what the poverty level in this country is, but if I was to venture a guess I would say roughly a quarter or so.
Poverty needs to be addressed, because we are the most powerful Country in the free world with every available resource availible, so there should be no excuse, but sometimes it just eaisier.....and CHEAPER to turn your head and pretend nothing is wrong.

Ben Rogers

English student said...

I think we have poverty in the US because people can't afford to go to college and get a degree. It is hard anymore to get money to go to college and having to work and go to school at the same time really makes people want to drop out; and they do. I think tons of people live below they poverty line because the only way you get above it is if you are a lawyer or doctor or something alone those lines. I think it is in need to some help. Since the cost of living is so high i think they should raise the minimum wage because how do you expect to live if you are only making 6.50 an hour?? I mean honestly come on. NO one can live with that. Especially people who couldn't afford to go to school to get a degree and people who don't want to take out a student loan and pay that back the rest of their life.

Sonja Paul