Friday, March 31, 2006

Buisness Ethics (Matt's question 10 am class)

When, if ever, do you think unethical buisness practices should be illegal? Do you think the US governement should use tax dollars to investigate unethical or just illegal buisness activities? What is your basis for this belief? do you think US citizens in general care less about ethics than we should? For example, millions of Americans, knowingly partronize establishments that conduct thier buisness unethicaly and even illegally to get a "good deal". Do you consider this a problem?


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Business ethics does not exist. Raw capitalism and ethical, moral and social responsibilities are mutually exclusive. This is because capitalism revolves around profit maximisation. And this very rarely is achieved through ethical means.

If one were to introduce business ethics, the US (and the UK) would have no government as they all invest in the arms trade and are MD's of large oil companies. This would be classed as illegal-as would the handing out of contracts to such companies in Iraq.

Ethics within business relies merely upon voluntary upholding of society by those within it.

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

(and it should be noted is terminallly flawed. But there is nothing that can be passed through law to change that)

English student said...

Yes I do think it should be unethical but monitoring this would be a nightmare. The gov. does investigate illegal activities. People are being investigated all the time. Yes I do feel people do no care unless it effects them financially or personally. David S.

English student said...

As shown by carl in billy maddison, no one really knows what business ethics are [esp in the world we live in now]. we strive to build businesses bigger and make more money!! All companies make a profit by ripping money off of someone else no matter the company. I personally believe that all business that strive to protect their customers and everyone supported by them and not pull shady bullshit will pull their claims within 5 years and work like the rest do. a whole company may have business ethics as a key importance but there are always people inside who get power and screw things up. I just dont think that the existance of business ethics is possible!

benjamin mckenna

English student said...

I think unethical buisness practices should become illegal when the endager the public well-being, or individual lives.
I think the US government should use tax dollars to investigate unethical buissness practices in order to determine if the line of the law has been crossed.
My basis for this belief is that with capatalism as our form of economics the federal government has a responsibility to protect the public's interests.
I do think that Americans care less about ethics than we should in general. I think that given the choice most Americans will ignore a question of ethics in order to give themselves a clear conscience about what buisness they patronize. Yes, I think this is huge problem, although I'm at a loss as to a solution.

Ben Johnson

English student said...

Legal regulations have always been based on ethical decisions, in that someone has decided what is ethical and then made it law. In that regard, there are some issues in corporate behavior that I would consider immoral, and I would like to see a law passed against such activities, but at the same time, just because I think it's unethical doesn't mean that others will see it so. Therefore, I do not think that it would really be possible to pass fair laws governing business ethics. I think that those who wish to stand up to the unethical business pactices will do so, and those who don't won't. Can you judge for them if it is ethical to shop at a store that you think has unethical business practices.
Kristy D.

English student said...

I don't think unethical business practices should be illegal. Capitalism calls for profit increase. These companies are in business to make thier stock holders money and provide a good quality product at a reasonable price. As long as they keep doing this the systems has served its purpose.
No the government should not use my tax dollars to investigate unethical activities. Who decides whats unethical and which investigation to waste the money on?
No I don't think Americans care less about ethics than we should, the way a business operates outside the US is none of our concern and those business tactics inside the US that are questionable. Are just that questionable NOT illegal.
Brian J.