Wednesday, April 11, 2012

You only live once.....

          Millions of people run the same routine of life every day and take a vacation every two years. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, and sleep. This may not be the cycle for everyone, but you get the idea. But what would it be like to do as much as you can with the few years you have on this ever-changing planet? We all get bored with our daily routine, and we all want to try something new. Everyone feels it, but the issue is everyone is scared to come out of some sort of shell they are stuck in and do it. So the question I ask you is this: Do you have enough courage to break free from your daily routine and switch it up every day? This might consist of wearing something you have never worn before, walk into that store that you stare down when you are with your friends but never have the courage to walk in, sit down and talk to a homeless person so you have a better understanding of them instead of seeing them as a failure and no need to give them money because you thought he put himself in that place.

We all want to break from this daily routine in some sort of way more than others. We are all afraid to take risks because we don't know where they will lead us and where we will go from there once we get there. I don't expect everyone to take a major risk, but something minor, something that has always sat at the back of our mind but we have been to occupied or to scared to pull it out and do it. So what I'm really trying to ask you will you take a risk? If not, why not? What do you see as the risk in taking a risk?

Xeromy Kaizad (8:00)


English student said...

I'd say id want to take a risk. Going to school everyday and going to work is getting boring already and im only 19. I can't say I know what risks id want to take yet but the thought of it makes me want to try something. So whether its going on a unexpected trip or just trying to meet new people that you never have thought of talking to before sounds cool to me. Im not much of a social bug when it comes to meeting people i dont know. But maybe by taking risks i can break out of my little bubble that i give to people and make new friends.

Brandan McDaniel

English student said...

Yes I would take some risks, and the reason I say some is because, to me certain risk aren't worth taking at all. Like the ones that can kill you. Then you have the ones that gives you the butterflies. Example: getting on a roller coaster for the first time, or eating something, like a bug. Now as for my daily routine, I don't have one. You see, I like adventure and taking risk (certain risk). Taking risk is a part of our everyday lives. Without it people wouldn't take the risk to open up businesses.

English student said...


English student said...

Xeromy – Best blog post I’ve read so far. I feel like this a major issue in Champaign in general. At the age of 19 I’ve already seen 15 countries, and have friends on every continent. I spoke to a homeless gentleman in Los Angeles just a few weeks ago for around 2 hours, and inspired him to head inland to look for work. Don’t let the travel experiences deceive you, I come from a working class family - anything is possible! There is nothing more gratifying than a new experience, and I’m not sure the hermits (no offense intended here guys!) in this town understand that!

There isn’t too much I can say that you haven’t already mentioned, but I urge everyone to get out there and try something new!

Zach Daniels

English student said...

When we meet successful people, we may be tempted to envy them for their great luck. Of course, their success has nothing to do with luck at all. Thats why Virgil, the greatest of the Roman Poets, wrote 2,000 years ago, Fortune sides with him who dares. Its a clever way of saying good fortune doesnt come to us; we go to it by taking risks. Life is all about taking risks. And we willingly take chances every day. Whether you drive, take public transportation, or walk to work, you are risking getting into an accident. Every time you go to sleep, you risk not waking up! But you go ahead and do it anyway.When we meet successful people, we may be tempted to envy them for their great luck. Of course, their success has nothing to do with luck at all. Thats why Virgil, the greatest of the Roman Poets, wrote 2,000 years ago, Fortune sides with him who dares. Its a clever way of saying good fortune doesnt come to us; we go to it by taking risks. Life is all about taking risks. And we willingly take chances every day. Whether you drive, take public transportation, or walk to work, you are risking getting into an accident. Every time you go to sleep, you risk not waking up! But you go ahead and do it anyway. So yes i would definitely take a risk.

Shane Rasor 1000

English student said...

Yes I would take a risk, the reason behind that is because doing the same routine everyday gets boring I’m only 23 and I should be enjoying every day of my life. School, work, workout, and church get very boring at times. I have a lot of courage to do some extra extraordinary things like going to see the world, eat different foods, go to different concerts, and the list will go on and on. By taking a risk it can open up a lot of doors with me becoming a teacher and even becoming a principle. I always say that you, yourself are always the roadblock of your success. Sharday (8:00)

English student said...

I try to change up my routine every now and then but I would like to take risks sometimes. I think taking risks can make life more interesting and fun. Even just getting on a roller coaster that has always looked thrilling but scary would be a nice change to overcome something but it can be fun to do something that you have not done before.

Shelby Walker

English student said...

We are people of habit. In class, we come in and sit in the same chairs everyday without having to be told. For some people, the idea of change is just way too much to handle. My brother is an example of this. He gets so anxious and worried about trying something new. It is scary for him to try something new because he will not know the outcome. He would rather stick to what he knows he likes than trying something new and different. A lot of people are like this. I used to be like this as well when I was younger. I never moved to a different city, I never changed schools, I never made different friends. I liked knowing what I was doing and was comfortable enough with my life to stay on the same path. But as I got older I realized that there is more to life than what I was experiencing. Slowly, but surely I was able to experience new things, whether it was trying that scary new roller coaster, or talking to a new person in my class. Some people like and thrive off of experiencing new things, but for other people it takes time.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

When I started reading this post and finished it, it really made me think about the fact of me taking a risk to break my routine. I thought about it and I came to a conclusion that made me think what I wanted to do. So this means that I would take a risk. My whole life I have always been stuck in a routine and if I had the chance to make a minor risk to change that, then I definitely would. I have never been scared of anything neither the world. I am the person that does things with the thought that things happen for a reason and that we only live once so why wait for tomorrow if it can be done today and live every day like it was your last. Those sayings have always been with me. Especially when I was little because my dad was super strict and he still is. I am such a free person and love to enjoy my life o when I have a chance I take it. I like doing things and I never regret anything.

Angelita T. (8:00)

English student said...

I would say i want the risk because going to school, work, and going home along with doing nothing their, it does get pretty boring. So I think a change would be good. I can't say i know what the risk is I would be taking because i never have really gone out of my normal routine. But I would love doing something that would make my day a little more entertaining than the normal boring day. I think if i went of the box a little bit it could make life a little more interesting.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

Everyone should take risks in life. You only live once.There are different kinds of risks ones that are scary, give you butterflies. We need to learn not to be so sheltered, we all need to get out an experience things that we never have before. Some people wouldnt be who they are today if they havent taking a risk. Dont be shy live your life up to the fullest

English student said...

I do beleive that a lot of people are to uptight and should let loose. But at the same time i feel a lot of people are to loose and need to straigghten up their act. But yes taking a risk is something i have always love to do. I like for my life to be new and exciting everyday. That doesn't mean i am irresponsible but it means i am not scared of change or trying somethihng new. You only live once so i feel like you should make the most of it. People need to get out and experience the world. Going out on a limb to try something new doesn't always have to be dangerous sometimes it can be simple things like eating something you never have befor. Once i get the money i want to do everything i've ever thought about such as sky diving, drag racing, and view the whole world. There is a lot i plan to do befor i die and i encourage everyone else to do all they can befor they are gone. #YOLO

Ian 10:00

English student said...

im a young mother of 3 kids ages 4 - 11 months. my life consists of the SAME routine almost everyday. waking up, making breakfast, going to school, picking kids up from daycare, dinner, baths, then bed! of course i would want to do something soo different. im still young, why not! BUT, i dont have the same energy and im just not the same young, vibrant young adult i was before i had kids. my life can be described as boring at times! now, i try to do everything for my kids sake. i never really think about myself, so im not even sure if i would take a risk. im not much of a thrill seeker or anything like that.. i just want to better my life. i guess if i were to take any risk, it would to just give up any and everything i have to make sure i have a good education and job to provide for my family.
Kiara D