Friday, April 13, 2012

Marijuana vs. Alcohol

There has been a large debate on the comparison of two different “drugs,” alcohol and marijuana, neither of which in a controllable manner is that bad for you. But one can be much worse than the other when being abused. Alcohol has been proven to cause more accidents and deaths than marijuana and is all around more harmful. Why is alcohol legal to people of age when marijuana is outlawed to almost everybody? Why are there people in prisons for smoking a little weed when we have crazy alcoholics roaming the streets every night?

Ian (10:00)


English student said...

i believe weed does not have the cons that come though like alcohol. the officers should be more focused on the alcoholic drivers should face more time like if they get a DUI they should have to get locked up just like they do a pot smoker. weed does have the effects on the body but you are able to have the abilities to think critically and also if you should choose to drive you would be OK to drive and have full skills for driving. personally i done it a few time and i turned into the worlds safest driver.


English student said...

‘Why are there people in prisons for smoking a little weed’ – Well, there aren’t. It is extremely unlikely for you to be thrown in jail for marijuana consumption. I have had a few friends who have gotten caught smoking and the most that’s ever happened to them is a slap on the wrist and possibly a small fine. Let’s contrast that to the fact that you can get $400 ticket for underage drinking – even if you have only had one drink. Coming from a European background definitely slants my opinion on this, but the alcohol crackdown here is absolutely ridiculous. Lower the drinking age, and educate children on alcohol abuse, it seems pretty common sense.

Regarding the marijuana prohibition, I think it’s ridiculous. People should have the right to use a relatively harm free drug. During the 1700’s you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia. It was a legal tender; you could even pay your taxes with it! The start of marijuana prohibition was in Utah, where the Mormons returned from Mexico with the drug. The church’s reaction to this may very well have contributed towards the start of nationwide prohibition. I honestly think with the direction that the US is going, marijuana won’t be illegal for too much longer.

Tyler - Marijuana effects the hippocampus and stops neurotransmiters (they're called astrocytes) from connecting neurons together. This effects co-ordination and cognitive function. As a result of that it is absolutely not safe to drive while intoxicated. Sure, you may be able to drive slowly and turn 90 degree corners, but what happens when a child runs out in front of you and you can't stop because you're high?

Zach Daniels

English student said...

Even though marijuana is a somewhat harm free drug I see why it is illegal. If marijuana was legal than I think more and more people would be using it which could cause a problem especially if people are driving high or operating machines. I don't think that marijuana will be illegal forever. I could careless if marijuana became legal because I do not do drugs but I think that alcohol is a huge problem. Almost every day in the news there is a story on about someone getting a DUI or wrecking their car and killing someone because they were drunk.

Shelby Walker

English student said...
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English student said...

Never understood why pot is treated more cautiously than Alcohol and Tobacco. The WHO recognizes Alcohol as the most destructive substance in terms of it's societal impact. But there is something to be said about opening the floodgates by allowing the use of Marijuana.

the united states spends 46 billion a year on pot. that comes to 460 billion ever ten years. if we made pot legal and put a tax on it i can see our national debt cut in half in 10 years. also, alcohol kills 70,000 people each year but its still legal why???? Its just a PLANT and if you happen to smoke it has side effects. there has not been one death that could link pot to the cause of death. ALCOHOL KILLS< NOT POT!!!!!!!!!!! make it legal tax it and spend 46 billion a year on something more important rather then on a natural growing plant. Why do you think its called weed???

Shane Rasor 1000

English student said...

Everything needs to be done in moderation nothing should ever be done constantly or everyday. i have no problems with both weed and alcohol but what gets to me is people who smoke weed and drink every day it just gives you a bad look and its not good for you. if you were to do it once a week or when you want some not a problem, but every day just because you have it not ok.

Xeromy Kaizad (8:00)

English student said...

This is a VERY good question. Alcohol can do much more bodily dammage that marijuana. Herb vs. chemical. And chemical wins? How very silly. I believe weed is illegal because it can have a much better purpose and effect to people and it won't do damage to their bodies or their pockets. You can grow it in your backyard and other companies will be effected finacially by the legalization of marijuana. No more cigarettes and a decrease in alcogol. It's all about money in this case. If weed was legal, big companies will lose money.

English student said...

Ian, I have to say this is a very good question. One I've been curious about myself. I don't understand why one is legal and not the other, but i feel it's because the government can't control the profit on it. meaning the government can't make a good profit on it. I really feel it's all about the money. If they can find a way to control it and make a big profit out of it then they'll probably try to legalize it. Our legal system is all about money not about being fair. As for those in prison for marijuana, it's illegal and alcohol is legal. It's just that simple. Latonya

Divina 10 AM said...

Ok, here is the thing. I am not a druggy or anything, but I believe that if God put it on this earth then it should not be outlawed. The Indians have rituals that involve all sorts of natural drugs for religious purposes. Alcohol is far more dangerous than marijuana. It is a simple true fact. We all even know this, even those that are against pot. But you won't ever outlaw alcohol because the government has too much money in it. I know alot of people who smoke pot and nope, it really doesn't make them dangerous. unless you count eating and being lazy as detrimental.And let's face it, we all know people who do those two things without pot....

English student said...

0 deaths have been caused by marijuana while 100s of people die every year from alcohol. I don't understand why it is so easy to get and why so many people drink it when it is really bad for you. Marijuana is being used as medicine so it has to be less of a risk for you than alcohol if used for recreation. i also think the government shouldn't care what we do if its just our choice and it only effects ourselves then no one should worry about it.

Alec Pettyjohn

English student said...

While I am all for legalization of weed, I do know that it is not the same weed of 30 years ago when people's parents were smoking it. In Amsterdam however, they have different types of weed and they package and label it. So if you are not looking to get stupid high you can buy something more mellow. Just like alcohol, if you impair yourself to the point you are a danger to yourself or other, like driving under the influence, then you should be punished just like DUI.
Angela Cole

English student said...

I have no clue why its illegal
marijuana should be legalized.
its good for you
no one dies from smoking it
alcohol destroys your liver.
kristina young

English student said...
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English student said...

I believe marijuana and alcohol are both bad for you due to the damage you are doing to your body. They both can get you into an accident. Everyone thinks a DUI is always dealing with alcohol but its not, it also can deal with drugs being in your system.

They both are harmful, but alcohol is more harmful due to it effecting you while you are drinking a lot and a long term effect. There aren't people just rooming the streets because of alcohol. Most of them have been put in prison for their DUI and a lot of them are going to therapy to get help.

Kyle Ogle (Noon)

English student said...

Both alcohol and marijuana pose risks. I do agree that the risks posed by alcohol are far greater in the current state than those posed by marijuana. However, marijuana does still pose some minor risks to those who use it: the danger of driving high, low job security, etc. The issue of legality is that there is really no way for alcohol to be banned any more. This was attempted during prohibition, didn't work very well, and was ultimately given up on. Marijuana, having been illegal for some time, does not pose the same issue, and to a fair extent, can be suppressed by the law. So the issue of legality is not focused on whether one is worse than the other, but on the fact that one can be kept illegal while the other cannot. Unfortunately, the more dangerous of the two is the one that cannot become illegal.
Trevor J. (10AM)

English student said...

Marijuana is seen more of a drug than alcohol is. Marijuana can be bad and it can lead people to make some stupid, ill-informed decisions. Alcohol can do the same thing. But, in all honesty, the consequences of both of these are dependent on the person using them. People everyday drink alcohol socially, but know how to control themselves and their situation. This is why alcohol is legal. On the other hand, there are people who aren't as cautious with their drinking habits and those are the people that get into accidents and end up killing people. This is a tricky subject to talk about, but marijuana is pretty addictive and if it was legal, more and more people would end up smoking it. This would lead to more and more deaths and accidents due to marijuana. Once again, it is up to the person smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol to remain in control.
~Megan Strom

English student said...

The questions asked here are good. I don’t know how to answer them. They are both mine altering drugs. They both have the potential to be addictive. So what constitutes which is safer or less dangerous? They trust that people who have terminal illness can handle prescribed marijuana. It is a shame that people who are alcoholics can roam around and destroy their lives and the lives of people around them. Is it justifiable? I do not know. Should it be legal to smoke marijuana, should it be illegal to drink alcohol? Why did the government decide on these choices? Should Americans have a say in what should be legal? I do not know the answer, who does?
J.McWhorter 10:00

English student said...

i dont understand why alcohol is legal to those of age and marijuana is totally illegal. doesnt really make since. marijuana is a harm free drug for the most part, and we know that acohol is the cause of many deaths. but then always boil down to money!! could you imagine the money the govt would be losing if marijuana were legal? hahaha! crazy and messed up world!
luckily im not a smoker or drinker!!
Kiara D