PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Members of PETA believe that animals should not be treated poorly by humans. Members of PETA are mostly vegans, which means they will not consume any meat or dairy products. Members of PETA believe that people should not wear fur and that animals should not be used for people's entertainment, such as in a circus. PETA fights large food corporations that serve meat because they believe the animals are being mistreated during processing. Corporations such as Armour and Kentucky Fried Chicken are often accused of mistreating animals during food processing by PETA. Many corporations do not agree with PETA's beliefs that preparing and eating meat is wrong. Do you agree with PETA's views? Do you eat meat and dairy products? Do you think that animals were put on the Earth for human consumption? Have you ever considered becoming a vegan or a vegetarian? Why or why not?
Shelby Walker (8:00)
This is the problem with radical groups like PETA, they have all these ideas, but never stop to think of the consequences.
You are talking about millions of animals being let loose in the wild, it would be an environmental disaster. Wild animals would suffer as their food source is wiped out.
When all those mice are let loose and since PETA is against killing any animal, what is to stop all that disease spreading throughout our cities as they breed like crazy?
PETA may have started out with good intentions, but they have evolved into something totally evil. PETA kills over 90% of the animals they take in, they are hypocrites.
I don't agree with PETA's view because I don't think corporations mistreat animals during the food process. I do eat a lot meat and dairy products, also I could not live without. I think animals were put on the Earth for human consumptions because that's how our ancestors survived all this time. I think that's how a lot of people can survived which is off animals meat. I have never considered myself becoming a vegan or a vegetarian because i couldn't just live off of vegetable.
I have no problem with PETA. i am a vegan, and i am a vegan by choice and not influenced to be one. in my own eyes yes PETA is doing something great to help lower animal cruelty and the outrageous things we do with them, but PETA goes a little bit overboard yelling and shouting and slamming there campaign in everyone's faces. what really got to me is when they started giving a lecture to a person who was just walking by on the street eating a hot dog. everyone makes there own choices let them make them. instead of yelling at someone eating a burger they could be helping out with wild life and stopping sports such as animal hunting just for pure enjoyment not for the food.
I do eat meat, and dairy products. I do not wear real fur, or real leather. I do believe some of what Peta says, but I think they some times go to far. I know people raise live stock for consumption, I have read that laws are changing the ways they are being raised and treated. I guess through the centuries man has consumed veggies, fruits, nuts, and meat. It seems they have all been here so i would say yes animals were put here for our consumption.
I believe you have the right to not eat meat, but you shouldn't go around trying to convenience other to agree with you, because ultimately chicken and cows cant talk. I'm not saying they don't have any emotions or feelings, but if until my chicken say " Don't Put Me In That Pot!" I'm going to throw it into the pot. On a more serious note, i think if someone fills a certain way about eating meat they would have already done research. On PETA and made the life change. I never had anything Fur ( it kind of look tacky to me ) but my car has leather it feels really good. Since the beginning of early settlers they have hunted and killed for meat, its not anything personal it just we all need to survive. the killing of innocent animals my be barbaric but it works. I also eat fruits and vegetables. you don't need to blame people of eating meat you need to blame technology. How? in the 1700's there was no thing such as deep fryers. technology has made things very easy, some just choose to ignore what it is doing to the animals even the environment. before big machine and slaughter houses was around every town had a butcher( or a butcher somewhere around) a butcher would have to kill a cow skin it than cut it. that all in a days work. but now you can kill 100 cows in one hour just by pushing a button. it saves more money for the big companies. the same thing goes for fruits and vegetables, before the invention of pesticide sharecroppers had a big problem with bugs eating land. now sharecroppers have pesticide, now they can keep majority of there crops and make more money. even though the pesticide may sink into the earth and get in our water supply. so to slow down the consumption and mistreatment to animals you would have to slow don't evolution and I don't no one can.
When we look at natural ecosystems, food chains exist. This means that had man-kind not modernized and evolved, we would be eating meat. As a scientist, I see nothing wrong with consuming meat in order to gain the protein we need to survive. It is something that occurs in nature, and humans are not exempt from this rule. I certainly don’t think the fact that we have a strong level of consciousness is a good enough justification for being vegan/vegetarian.
Looking through the ethical lens however, I can agree on some things that PETA feel strongly about. An animal may very well be raised for consumption, but it should absolutely be treated fairly and ethically during the time that it’s alive. Take a look at the following website for some of the things that KFC are doing to their chickens - Does dropping a chicken into scolding hot water while it’s still conscious sound like ethical treatment to you?
I think that everyone has the right to decide what they want to eat or not but what I do not agree with is that they have to enforce that on others. I personally eat meat and I would not stop eating it. That doesn’t mean that I am going to go around telling people to eat meat if that I not what they wish for. I do not think animals were put on this world for human consumption because to me animals are like humans. They have their way of living and a family and also a heart. Though, jut like they eat other animals to survive, we do the same to be able to eat and that is how the food chain was formed. I love salads and I would not mind eating salad all the time but I would not be able to live my life out of that food only I have to have meat.
I actually do agree with PETA and i love their "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" slogan and campaigns. I'm almost 100% vegetarian, I've heard many many times that vegan is actually really good so I'm thinking of becoming vegan, but I'm a little nervous about the milk thing. I love animals, everything i buy i try to make sure it isn't tested on animals and i buy special shampoo for my dog not animal tested. I wont lie i do eat steak right now because I'm pregnant and it's important that my son gets all the right nutrients, but afterwards i will not. I would never wear fur, it's just outright wrong! I would love to become part of an animal activist group just not one that's so vulgar and gets into as much trouble as they do. I would also love to start a charity for abused animals and endangered animals as well in the future. Would I ever become a member of PETA? No, but I support everything they stand for.
I do agree with PETAs views. PETA does go overboard with the shouting and yelling but when you believe in something I’m sure you would do the same thing. I am a vegetarian by choice no one influenced me in being so, but the doctor, meat is not healthy for you and eating bad food like meat made me sick so I was put on a strict diet. Mistreating an animal so you can eat meat is just wrong also taking fur from animals to make a coat is wrong too. After looking and doing research on how you get your meat and how some people get their fur is disgusting and almost brings tears to my eyes. I do have dairy products like drinking Almond Soy Milk sometimes. Animals weren’t put out on this earth to be tortured, they were put on earth to be like humans to live and survive and enjoy earth. ~Sharday 8:00~
I strongly disagree with PETA views, I don't think that we miss treat animals during the food process. I personally eat a lot of meat and dairy products, I could not live without eating them. I think that some animals were put on this world so that humans can eat, I believe that everyone has to have meat to survive to live in this world. I have never once considered becoming a vegan or vegetarian I couldn't live off of vegetables. Its a choice not something that should be brought up to a big issue.
PETA is too radical a group and as all radical groups go, they do hypocritical things. They may have started out to help animals but in the process they have killed humans, what kind of group does the kind of things like this? I believe in the saying that the strong survive. Animal were put on the earth as food and not just for humans but for other animals too. It is the way the world works and has from the beginning. I don't believe we all have to consume meat, as has been shown by some who choose a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, but it is for the individual to choose.
i eat meat and i eat diary products. I cant see myself not eating them, so no, i have never thought about becoming a vegan or vegetarian. I can understand some of the beliefs of PETA, but i do think that animals were put here for consumption. How else would our ancestors survived way back when. To me, they go too far in spreading their message. It is OK to have a strong belief in something, but they go a bit over board. I don't agree with wearing fur or any thing of that nature. To me, it just seems weird and nasty. It really doesn't have much to do with the mistreatment of the animals.
Kiara D
I personally am not a vegetarian. I really do not think i could be either. I think that the world works in a way were animals were meant to be food. As mean as that sounds, in the wild, animals eat other animals. So why should humans be made out to be the bad guy when we do it in a more human way. At the same time i love animals and i do not wear fur, and i am against individuals how kill animals just because they want the leather or they want a certain type of fur. I absolutely agree with PETA's views, i feel like what they are doing will help the world understand more about what we eat and what we are doing to animals.
As much as I would like to agree with PETA, I don't think I do.. even just saying that makes me feel a little bad, but I think like a lot of organizations, a lot of what is said is most likely over exaggerated. To not eat meat or dairy because you believe all animals are mistreated for food consumption? That's a bit rediculous in my opinion. I know quite a few farmers who take VERY good care of their animals, and a lot of animals are going to come from farmers. Now I'm not saying every farmer is like that, but being a farmer is expensive and most of them aren't going to mistreat their animals and throw their money and hard work away like that. As for animals being used for entertainment, such as a circus, I can't say anything about because I've never researched that or been to a circus to see anything. But, at aquariums when they used dolphins and whales, I've always witnessed that the animals were rescued from somewhere and they are given TONS of fish even just during the show; I don't see how they could be mistreated there. I love meat and dairy products. I have considered becoming vegetarian for a couple weeks or months, but simply to take better care of my body and be healthier, not because I agree with PETA.
I agree with some, but not all of PETA's view points. Animals should not be used for entertainment, as if animals are going to be harmed. Examples would be animal fighting and testing chemicals on animals. Yes, I consume both meat and dairy products daily, because i believe they have nutritionally value. I do believe that certain animals are used for consummation, but no one really knows why they were put on this earth anyways. No, I could never stop eating animals. Do true vegans realize that the food they are consuming are grown by using manure, that comes from the farms that raise those animals that we eat.
Alexis H (noon)
I do beleive that big companies mistreat animals. Like praire farms feed their cows a lot of chemical foos instead of organic or natural feed. I do not agree with everything PETA stands for tho, animals were put here as a resource and for certain things we need them. But i do not beleive we need huge fur rugs and coats that are sold for a lot of money. Preparing meat and eating is not wrong in my oppinion. Yes i love meat and dairy problems and they are natural to eat. Amimals were put here for many reasons but i do beleive some animals were here for food and other resources. No way i couldn't live a day with out dairy or meat i wouldn't be able to build muscle or have enough energy to fuction.
Ian 10:00
I really don't know much about PETA, but from what I've read so far,no I don't agree with there views. Main reason being I eat meat and dairy products. I do agree that animals shouldn't be treated poorly just because they're part of our food chain. Yes I do believe that certain animals where put on this earth to be a part of our food chain; humans have been eating meat since Jesus and the Cavemen times. Me personally I have to have my meat, I can't live on veggies alone, I would starve. God gave it too us to eat, so I'm gonna eat.
First, I am a meat eater. Secondly, I eat both meat and dairy products. I do believe that animals were created to be eaten otherwise, humans would be eating humans, as do some cultures.
Yes, for three days, then I cut up a frozen turkey and fried it.
I do believe that animals are mistreated for the food purposes. I also love animals. However I love meat even more. So as bad as it sounds,I would have no problem with corporations continue with there methods in food processing. These methods are used for feeding America. Yes its wrong to mistreat animals. But unfortunately I am a meat eater and I will never give it up .
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