In high school states require so many semesters of certain classes to graduate; do you think that is okay? Do you think more kids would stay in school if they only took classes they are interested in? Or are high school students too immature to be given this responsibility? Do you think they would take the easy way classes, or do you think they would use it to their advantage to get ahead in their future schooling/careers?
Lindsey (9:00)
I think that it is okay for schools to have so many semesters of certain classes for students to be able to graduate. I do however wish that students were able to take more of the classes they wish to take. I do think more kids would stay in school if they had more of a choice of which classes they wanted to take. I think schools should offer more classes that would be helpful in the students future careers. This way a student would be able to get their foot in the door with their career before entering college. So students just don't take the easy way I think schools should still have some required classes and then more that the student gets to choose.
Becky Gryczewski
Students should be required to take classes that prepare them for college. It is a parents responsibility to make sure their child is going to school and maintaining their grades. Personally, I think high school students should also be required a certain amount of community service hours and classes on time and money management and a semester of researching different career options for them, so they can perhaps be introduced to their future career instead of entering college not knowing what to do.
Amy (10a.m.)
I think they are way too immature to make that decesion. It's like giving them the choice to go at all, and most wouldn't. Taking the required classes gives a base for people who are going to college and if they aren't moving on it's good they know a little something about everything. Required classes are there for a reason and most kids would definitely blow them off if they had the choice.
I think that it's okay for high schools to have certain classes to graduate, but I also think that students should have a bigger variety of classes they can take that they are interested in taking and will help them for their future careers along with required ones too. I think that if there were more options of classes that more people would stay in school and not drop out.
Kiara (9:00)
High schools should have some requirements to graduate up until their sophomore year. After that kids are usually more mature by then and should start preparing for college. They should be able to start taking classes that they want to take.
I think that some of the required classes that schools have are rediculous, but in some respects I do think that it is right to have required classes. If schools were to not have required classes I think that some people would take the easy way out, but some wouldn't. I think that it would depend one the person for weather or not it would be a good idea to have required classes. But I also feel that some people to stop enjoying school or stop going to school because of all of the things that are required. I think that maybe slimming down some of the things that are required for high school students would probably make things much easier for the kids to enjoy or to at least want to stay in school. I think that having so many things that are required makes things more stressful than they need to be.
Justine Miller
I do think it's okay to have required classes. College is much harder than high school so you need a required education to be prepared. It may make more kids stay in school, but those kids have to be the immature ones. It's not that bad, it's not like you have to take a very certain class. They give you a field and you pick an opinion. That way you can still take classes you are interested in. If we could take any class we wanted in high school, nothing would be learned. Everyone would take the easy way out and no one would really learn anything. I'm not saying high school kids are immature in general. I'm saying they are lazy. Just like anyone who doesn't like school. If they could, they would take the easy way out. To sum it all up, taking required classes gets you ready for the years ahead, so that's just what you have to do.
-- Heather Alber
Yes, I think it is okay that shcools have required classes that need to be taken. I believe that some kids may stay in school if they could take classes that they like. Not all high school students are immature, some know how to make the right choices. It would depend on the students if they just want to get by then they will take easy classes. If they are thinking about their future then they will take classes to better themselves and help their future.
Anita Freeman
I don’t think they should have required classes to graduate. More kids probably would stay in school if they could choose all the classes they were going to be in. No one enjoys being forced to take a class that they don’t care about. I do think that most high school students would probably be too immature for this responsibility. They would probably pick classes that are easy for them but maybe classes that are required would be easy for them as well. I think that a lot of classes they have to offer in high school is pointless to a lot of people. Out of all the classes I took in high school, not one has anything to do with what my career is going to be. Other people may think like this and just drop out.
Jesse Naive (9:00)
i think it's okay for schools to have certain classes to take for them to graduate just to get them ready for what they're going to major in in college. then, when you're in college, take the classes that you have to take for what you're going to do. if we had classes that were our choice, i don't think that people would take the time to go to school and take certain classes.
kaitlyn taylor.
Yes it is okay to have required classes. If there was no required classes none of the kids would want to do any of the math, writting, reading, and so on. So in order to insure that the children are getting a good education there has to be required classes. They could have more elective classes for the kids to choose from, but as for letting the kids choose what classes they want to go through to graduate is not a good thing. If you give a child an inch they will take a mile. So in other words if you let a kid choose what classes they want to take to graduate they may take all the easiest classes just to get good grades and get out of doing hard work. School is hard work and if you give the child the choice without required classes school will no longer be hard. The more there is challenges for kids the more they strive to get through it.
I think that it fine that high schools require you to take certain classes. Everyone should have to the basics that prepare you for college. I would go one step farther though: I would require a basic living class. It would teach how to budget your money, prepare basic meals, take care of your clothing, fill out a job and loan applications, write a resume,and make housing decisions. So many for the problems people face in daily life are not covered in school. Unfortunately families aren't tackling these either.
I was one of the people that took the easy classes to just get through school. I'm sorry now!! Don't make the same mistake.
Lois (10:00)
I honestly think it depends on the person becauseI believe some ppl would take the easy way out and some ppl wouldnt.
I think that they should be a little bit of both but always have the required classes. If students only took what they wanted and easy classes they wouldnt go any where. The classes we are required to take all have to deal with aspects of real life jobs. In high school I always heard in math class I will never use this later on, and that might be true for some but what about your accountants. English and communication skills almost goes with every job out there. I think we should be able to pick a few classes but always follow the required courses.
K.J. Picard(9:00)
I think that it is okay for schools to have classes that students need to take to graduate. I think that students should be able to pick lots of the classes they take, but not all. If schools did not make students take specific classes then lots of students would just take fun classes and they would not be ready for college when the time came.
Jessica Brooks
I think required classes are a good thing. In high school I hated all the required classes that I had to take and if it had been up to me wether or not I take them, then I definately would not have. Their are some kids who are looking toward their future and would take the tough classes willingly but there are just way too many kids who are always looking for the easy wat out.
Andy Dodge
When I was in high school I would have taken the easy way out and done the easiest classes. I do think students should be required to take certain classes and I also think they get a choice in some other classes they want to take, atleast I did. So it kind of evens out. I think high school prepares you for college. In college you have to take certain classes for your major and then you also have a chance to take other classes that you are interested in. I think it really depends on how motivated you are in school and how serious. Maturity has everything to do with it.
yes i do think kids should only take classes that are going to get them a cerrier that they are interested in because 50% of the things you learn in school you do not even use.
65 mustang
The states only require this because they want the student to get in touch with all subjects and to open the door to new things. Yes, I do think more kids would stay in school if they were able to choose the classes they want. Yes, I do think it is the immature students that ruin it for the ones that apply themselves. It just depends on the student's ability to push themselves.
--Jeremy Harding
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