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Monday, November 20, 2006
Do you think sometimes religion, or religious leaders such as priests and pastors, go too far? I mean does God really care what T-shirt a person wears in church? Do you think some church people are on power trips? Or do you think they really do know what is and is not offensive to God? Do you think you need to go to church to be in good graces withGod or to be a good Christian? Any comments on any of this would be appreciated!

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I think religious leaders go way too far. I think they have gotten way far away from the true teachings of Christ. I think they have entirely lost their way. Yes, I think they are on power trips. They are not spreading the word of Christ, they are breeding hate -- hate toward anyone who is not just like them, hate toward other religions, hate toward anyone who does not wear the same clothes, wear their hair the same way, drive the same cars, have the same familial status. And they put way too much pressure on impoverished people to tithe. What does that say to someone who cannot put food on the table for his family? The church leader and his family are wearing expensive clothing, living in an expensive house, and driving expensive cars, and the church goer who is being admonished for not giving enough can't even feed his family. I think what is offensive to God is that church leaders and hypochristians (hypocrite + christian combined)are sinning and hating in his name. I do not believe that you have to go to church, or any other designated spot to talk to God. Religious people have forgotten the true teachings of the Creator, whether you call him Christ, Buddha, Allah, Jehovah, or whatever.
Stacie Carlson
From Barb Beals:
I think that for the most part organized religion isn't good. I love God, but I think religion allows certain groups of people to pick and choose from the Bible what they are comfortable with. There shouldn't be different religions, just everyone communicating with the God of their choice. We should love each other like we love ourselves, we should appreciate the differences we have, as well as the commonalities that bond us together. Religion can do both. And it can also in the wrong context destroy both. Going to church will not get you to Heaven. But you should go to church for the support, and fellowship with other believers to make your walk with God stronger. Not going to church doesn't make you a sinner, but you get an education on God when your at church, so maybe it just makes you fall behind where you could be therefore missing out on blessings from Him.
yes i do i think they try to get to much across to us and sometimes we realy dont want o hear it. no God does not care what you or somebody wears to church he just cares about you coming to worship him. no i really dont know what power trips are. no i dont think you need to go to church just to have god in your life everything they do at church you can do at home or in a quiet place.
Edwidge Philizaire
From Debra Porter:
I havn't been to church in years--so I might not be that much help. I know that I get Jehovas Witnesses at my house all the time, and that really bugs me. It is fair to let people choose their own religion, but not to shove it in their faces with blooklets and phamplets by going door to door. I don't think it has anything to do with what someone is wearing, it's what's on the inside that counts. I don't think that you need to go to church to be a christian. My family is christian and we havn't been to church in a long time. You don't need a pastor to lecture to you. People can easily raed the bible and study it, and pray by themselves. I think church is overrated for the people who feel they "have" to go their everyday/week. People can easily worship by themselves in their homes, many other religions do it.
I dont know what you consider as too far, but I have never had the experience that a religious leader has pushed me either away from a church or forced me into one. I do think it is rediculous to force a dress code upon people in the church. God doesnt say that you must wear a suit or tie or a formal dress to worship him in. I believe that we should show some respect and wear clothes with no holes in them or dirt all over them, but God wont strike you down for showing up to church in jeans. (I do it all the time)
Some Pastors may be on power trips, but yet again, I have not had that experience so I cant really comment on that area. There are some things that do affend God and we need to make sure we dont do those things, but anyone can get the information through the Bible themselves, and they dont need a pastor to tell it to them.
I think that you SHOULD go to church on Sundays for the fellowship with God and the other believers to be your support team. Other believers go through problems just like you and they can give you some Godly advice and it will help you grow as a christian. You dont have to go to church to be considered a christian, but you should go to help eachother out.
Bridgette Overmyer
It would not be correct for me to ay that all ministers and priests go overboard, because there are a great number of them that are truly about god's work.
Some church leaders contradict what they are preaching. For example, they preach that your are supposed to "come as you are," but the church has a dress code; God loves everybody (including the sinner), but they ban people or turn them away at the door; In the end God will make the final decision on ones life, but the minister can tell you if you are on a path to hell.
I feel going to church is very important to religion. It's just like learning in school. Yes, you can do a lot of studying at home but, you also need to go to school to "fine-tune" the subject. But, I can see why it is so hard for some people to go to church. There are a lot of churches that are all about popularity and show, are very judgemental, are hypocritical, are "remixing and bending the words of the scriptures, and are robbing the people of their money. It is hard for some people to find a sincere church home, so they'd rather try on their own to be in good graces with God. I just feel God knows your heart and all of your situations and the reasoning behind your decisions and he'll consider all of that when judgement day comes.
Richauna Williams
I think religion and religious leaders take things way too far. If there is a God, from what I understand of him, definatley would not care what clothes people were wearing, after all he doesn't judge people right?? I mean what if a person wants to go to church but they don't have enough money to afford expensive nice clothing? So they don't feel that they can go to church, because most people will pass judgement on them. These people do not know what is offensive to God, no one really does. I don't believe you have to go to church to be in good graces with God, or to be a good christian. You can practice religion in your home. Being religious, or believing in God has nothing to do with going to church. It's just an optional event where you can go, spend time with friends, and learn more about religion, and sing. I mean now a days, you think of religion and you think of all the hate it brings, and all the wars it brings on. Maybe it's just me but I thought religion was supposed to be about love, and understanding. It doesn't seem much like that anymore. We fight over different religon because people believe in different things, which we have choices for a reason, so we choose what we believe in. That doesn't mean it should cause all the fights and hate, we should accept that we have choices, and not judge others.
Caitlin Parker
I believe that the only temple you can invite God into is your own heart. Think about it. The only "building" you will over own for all of your life, is the body you were given at birth.
I think if you choose to go to church, you should go to be in fellowship with your friends, neighbors and church family.
I believe that what you wear is totally up to you.
I think that if a person in church is being cruel--they are not a good witness. Only you can give them the power to belittle you.
Thanks. Pam Whisman
I think as far as clothing and church goes, that it seems to be sometimes used to show what you have and dont have as far as money and material items go. Sometimes people at churches try to show just how strong their religion is by the clothes they wear. Do I think GOD cares what people wear? If he did he would have had us born wearing the brandnames he wanted. Does GOD want us to come in our birthday suits? Now that could be scary for some of us, no I dont think that either. I think you should go to church in CLEAN clothes, (your Sunday best) if you will. It doesnt matter if your clothes are worn out in my opinion as long as they are clean. As far as the church leaders go, we have found in past years that they are not perfect as well. The church is supposed to be somewhat like a hospital for sinners, or rehab center if you will. Having said that I dont mean that you can't be a good christian or whatever religion you choose without going to church. You can still read whatever good book you follow and live by it's words without going to a physical church.
Dave Crain
I can't find anywhere in the bible that God looks at what I am wearing, in fact I think that God only sees my "heart". I don't think people care so much if I have clothes on from walmart or The Gap - what they care about is how I treat them. If people care what I am wearing based on value - shame on them. I do however suggest that it probably isn't a good idea to wear clothing to church or anywhere that is suggestive or offensive to others around you. If you are a person of faith, I think you should put some thought into how you present your self to others. If you want to share your faith, you should be concious of the fact that people are watching you!
I think that God gives us an incredible amount of grace. Grace is something we don't earn or deserve. Going to church can't earn grace! Going to church can only strenghten your relationship with your creator, allowing you to learn more, worship, pray, and reflect.
Going to church does not make anyone a "Good Christian" - Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who think so. However they go through their entire week and never think about Christ. A Christian means to be a little Christ or a follower of Christ. I don't recall Jesus being content with only sitting in a church - He served people EVERYDAY!
the comment at 3:40 pm was made by Jan Baker
yes unfortunately, some people are on power trips, or are going too far, and these people are just ruining it for all christians. I think they give christianity a bad name and alot of generalities that are untrue. Going to church doesn't make you a christian, and you dont HAVE to go to church if you are. it's not a sin not to go to church, but christians need to be in a large body of other christians to fellowship and praise God together.
the 7:49 comment was Blake Diehl
I really personally do think that priest and preachers sometimes do really go way to far. The most ridiculous thing I always hear from some people is that you should always look your best when going to church. WHY? Does God really care what I'm wearing as long as going to church with the right itentions and worship and learn then there is no reason why you should care about sill little stuff like that. I think Priest and Preachers can go to far when they get into politics as well. Nothing irritates me more than churches that endorse a candidate for president or when a religioius leader imposes his political view. When going to church you are expected to learn about God and Jesus and that whole thing. Bringing other things into the mix for there own personal pleasure or satisfaction. This is one that definently irritates me because going to church is about God. Not what the pastor interprets is right or wrong in political or even a dress issue!
Dan Berger
I think some religious leaders have gone a little to far these days. There are starting to get worried about little things and not foucs on the most important part... Jesus.. I mean i dont think God really matters what you wear to Church, but i think it should be presentable. I cant stand when people come in with scrubby clothes on, i think you should look nice. At our church, our priest sent out a letter saying there was a dress code. We werent allowed to wear shorts to church, or jeans, or sandles. I think that went a little to far, everyone still showed up in jeans and sandles, i can see something not being worn to church, but jeans? I think you should go to church, it shows respect. I have grown up going to mass on the weekends. It has always been part of my life. I dont think it makes you a bad catholic if you dont go to church, but you cant call yourself a good one if you dont go to mass.
Stephanie Einck
Some people do go too far with religion. I believe religion should be a basis of life, but not a WAY of life. Going to church, reading the bible, studying religion are all good practices of being a good christian. Some church people are on power trips thinking everything they know is right, and only their way is the right way. Wearing church shirts everyday, and obsessing about church is not needed. You can be a good christian just be believing in God, and going with the bible. Going to church is just something to do on a personal preference.
Jeremy Lamb
I think that some have gone too far yes, and some have stayed where they are suppose to be. I think that you should always be presentable when going to church. I mean you can't come in with too big clothes and holey jeans. I mean that isn't respectful. You should be respectful to God when you go to worship him. I think that you should always go to church. I mean you don't have to go to church to be in good grace if you pray and do what he likes. I do believe that you have to go every once in awhile to free your sins. God is our creator and you should respect him.
Sonja Paul
Coming from Catholic school I we had to wear uniforms and on Church days guys had to wear ties and girls had to wear cross overs. We were told that this was out of respect. Of course it is respectful to dress nice but i do not beleive that it really matters what you wear as long as you are there. God is not going to judge you on what you are wearing as long as it is not offensive. In the Catholic religion to forgive sins you must go to confession. No other religion is like that and I do not beleive that the only way God will forgive my sins is by me telling them to a priest. This goes along the same lines as needing to go to church to be a good Christian. Yes God wants you to go but I beleive that it is not necessary as long as you are living the faith. Oh and they are on Power Trips to the fullest.
Emily Chittick
There is a big difference between being religion and Christianity even from the basic meanings of the words, but together they can complement one another if done in the right way. Christianity is not a set of "dos and donts" and no matter who you are, there is nohing that we can possibly do to earn the right to go to heaven. That is why we are given grace by God: Grace is the undeserved favor of God (meaning that we get it though we don't deserve it) and the greatest example of grace was by him sending his only son to die for us (The perfect sacrifice). All you have to do is accept that free gift. Now that doesn't mean that you can go aead and sin all you want and still go to heaven, it doesn't work that way.Religion is placed there in order to help you stay close to God and live a fulfilling life but when clarity is not made that there is nothing you can do to save your own soul, then religion stands to e corrupted. Sometimes tradition and personal doctrine can be mistaken for reigion, or infact used to manipulate people and that brings about problems. religion out of contextis dangerous and breeds anger and blocks the ears of people. Some people manipulate religion and that is wrong. No T-shirt is gonna define wether you go to heaven or not, but while you're here on earth, you need to rememer who you represent and if it's God, profanity on your clothes might not reflect who God is. Nobody should force you to tithe your money but for those that have tried it, I bet you they will testify about how blessed that has made them. And so to answer your question, not to say that leaders take it too far, I think that every so often, leaders take it in the wrong direction.
I actually dont think you have to attend church to have a relationship with God, and I dont think that everyone who does attend church has a relationship with God. it's hard to define what a good christian is. some people say if you live your life without sin then you are christian. however, everyone sins, and I think if you are aware of it and you ask for forgiveness, then that makes you a better christian. I dont think it matters what type of clothing you wear as long as you have good morals and values.
Ashlee Meredith
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