In the United States, we are all accustomed to a fairly comfortable life. For the most part, we all have cars that burn an incredible amount of fuel and houses furnished with countless appliances. Each time we drive our car, turn on the big screen TV, or fire up the grill, we burn fuel that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Are we destroying our planet? Are we ruining our earth for future generations due to global warming?
Also, if you would like to read some background information before you answer the question, you can visit the following website: .
I know that the releases are not good for the environment, but what can we do? We have to drive to get to work, school, children’s events, and other needs. I think cars can be kept clean, by having repairs done when mufflers are broken, and the fuel seems to be leaking. Burning oil can be another problem, that smell is awful. I think burning leaves and garbage is much worse than cars. I live in a small town that still allows burning; I always get sick during burning leaves season. I cannot answer the question of TV’s, or other appliances, I really have not thought about it. That sounds bad, but sometimes, not thinking about things, makes living easier. I thought that researchers had proven that the earth’s core repaired itself. Darcy Cekander
Global warming is not as serious as many make it out to be. It has routinely been used as a scare tactic by politicians wishing to win an election. I think it was summarized best by the front cover of a U.S. News and World Report magazine, which asked the question "Can We Live With It?" Everyone gets worked up into a frenzy and frantically searches for solutions, when maybe the matter is nothing to fret over.
-Michael Holmes
Yes, I agree that we are all very accustomed to an easy life and we take it for granted almost all of the time. The things that we do, like driving cars and the other things you mentioned do harm our environment, but we are too lazy to change our ways or even look at what we are doing. Sometimes we can't directly see the damage, so we ignore it. I think we are destroying our planet because back in the colonial days, they didn't have those kinds of problems. I don't know too much about global warming, but I do think that we are ruining or at least lessening the quality of life here on earth for our future generations. If you look at the trend, it seems to get worse with every generation, so I don't see it stopping any time soon unless we wake up and smell the smog! As to using appliances and burning fuel, there's not much we can do about that. We either have to cook on a stove, in a microwave, or on an open fore, so one way or another we are burning and releasing something. But we definetly canlimit the number of car rides and tv watching. SO there are things we can do and there are things we can't help, but we are definitly not helping future generations.
Until we find a cleaner burning fuel what can we do. We now have to drive everywhere we go. We are destroying the ozone layer that can't repair itself as quickly as we destroy it. But, we ar working on was to fix the problem. For years people have been inventing mew vehicles that run on electricity, batteries, and solar panals. Right now we are destroying the planet but hopefully in the future we will have alternative transportaion. Nicole Mulrooney
I don't really know a lot about global warming... but i don't see how if people jump on bus instead of driving can make the world a better place. 1 bus has probalby the same amount of exhaust as 10 little cars. I do think that some of the things hurting the environment could be done with out, but most people just don't care anymore. For example: I do agree with Darcy about the leave burning, that is something that doesn't have to be done, but people still do it.
There isn't much we can do, becasue we all have to live and go to work. So if we tried to help stop this we would have a very very hard time going on with our lives. I f we were able to find a cleaner fuel that would help stop the global warming process. We should try to help with the little things we can do.
Yes, I think we might be hurting the world for future genrations, but I really don't think that there is anything we can do to help in a big way.
Jamie Brooks
I think we all need to live, but we all need to conserve. I believe that people could do without many things. Like big screen tvs. Isn't it all the same on a small one. I guess I am just not caught up on material things. I think we can all at least try to i dont know car pool or something. Idon't know too much about global warming, but by car pooling, if we aren't saving the planet, then at least we could make a friend, right?
Dude, sorry about my answer, but I really odn't know much about the subject. Maybe I'll do some research and get back to you on that topic.
Let me see what I know about global warming...hmm..not too much. But, I of what I do know, I do believe that humans have caused a lot of the issues with global warming. It doesn't bug me when I 'm not thinking about it, but when I have to sit here thinking about how much fuel and stuff that is used each kind of disgusts me. Not just because we could be conserving, but because I think about how dirty this world has become. When people say that they want to go outside to get a breath of fresh air, are they really getting fresh air? I'm just not too sure. I think that humans have become too smart for their own good and have invented many things that burn fuel, and when you combine that with the aging of the Earth, we are finding ourselves in a major problem. I think that humans could stop being so selfish and could start conserving energy.
Well, this is what I came up with, and I only know a little bit about it, so I apologize if it wasn't what you were looking for.
Lindi Hettinger
Yes we are destroying our planet for future generations due to the excessive amounts of pollution that we put in the air.
There's no doubt that we, as human beings, are destroying our planet, and it's more than just global warming. Cutting down forrests, littering, and bombing our enemies during war are all contributing factors to the destruction of earth as well.
As far as what state our planet will be like for future generations to come, many will speculate and form their own theories, but until it happens we'll never know.
Hey Alex! I did read that article on the Discovery Channel website. It is disturbing that certain compound comncentrations have increased in our air due to the burning of fossil fuels. I am still going to stick with my previous response but wish to add that global warming should be monitored. If the rising temperature trend continues for the next seven to ten years, I would not be opposed to the government finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
-Michael Holmes
Copperoo!!! lol erase that! hehe Ok I definitely think that as Americans we are killing our planet. We are very privileged and have so many things that we don't really need. Many of these things contribute to global warming. Pollution from factories, vehicles, and people are tearing up the ozone. All of this will ultimately lead to destroying our Earth. If we don't act now, we will all be floating around in space!
~*Amanda Wasowitz*~
My only problem with global warming is that if it is really effecting and changing the worlds climate then it is probably to late for a fix quick sceme. I mean humans have been releasing chemicals into the air for over 200 years now. So if it took 200 years to damage the worlds climate then it is going to take at least another 200 maybe 100 years to fix. That is my major problem. People do not look at the long term instead they see the short term side of it, and that is "Oh lets get rid of our cars and lets stop putting carbondioxide into the air." Do not get me wrong i think that will help in the long term of things but people think that The world would change over night to become a global warming free world. But like i said earlier, that probably would not happen till after many years of toxic free humans and to tell you the truth I do not think that humans will be able to do that so willingly. I do think they would be willing to let it go. So in reality i believe that global warming will continue to happen and can not be stoped even after humans stoped releasing their deadly posion's into the air.
By: Ryan Duda
I don't think that global warming is destroying the earth since there have been many times throughout the history of the earth, there have been major changes in temperatures (i.e. the Ice Age), but pollution will take its toll on the earth. We, not just as Americans, but as humans, need to find cleaner energy sources that will pollute less than the fossil fuels we burn today. Switching to ethanol fuels and hydrogen fuel (which we have the technology for) would drastically reduce emissions and pollution.
Edit: Previous comment posted by Sam Howard
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