Welcome to the Wentworth Class Blog!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Private schools--a big advantage?

My questions:
(E) Do you have any problem with the private funding of private schools while some public schools go broke?
Thanks for your help!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Do you stereotype?

Do you think too many people are victims of stereotyping? Why is it that so many people are judged by the way they look, something they do, or where they are from? You have heard of "the dumb jock" and "the computer geek"; besides these, there are many other stereotypes prevalent in our society.
Are stereotypes harmful?
Have you, or someone you know, ever been a victim of stereotyping? What do you think is the process that occurs in a person's mind that makes him or her likely to stereotype, or prejudge, others based on their appearance or background?
Friday, July 22, 2011
When Might We Leave Our Home Planet?

When might we leave this planet? Do you ever think about what's going to happen to us if we just set here on this planet? Could something happen to suddenly make the sun go out? Or could asteroids be heading our way, even as we speak?
In fact, many of the threats that might lead us to consider off-Earth living arrangements are actually manmade, and not necessarily in the distant future. The amount we consume each year already far outstrips what our planet can sustain, and the World Wildlife Fund estimates that by 2030 we will be consuming two planets’ worth of natural resources annually. So why don't we try to find another planet faster? Is it because we are too busy using up the Earth's resources, or is it because the resources we are using up make it harder to upgrade our technology?
Given the risks humans pose to the planet, we might also someday leave Earth simply to conserve it. Do you think if humans want to survive for hundreds of thousands or millions of years that we must ultimately look for other planets or technology to stay around? Are you concerned about the Earth being able to sustain life? Why or why not?
Robert McClinton
Thursday, July 21, 2011
To Clone or not to Clone?

One heated ethical topic is if it's okay to make clones. They started out with cloning one sheep. It was a success. The problem was that groups of people felt as though it was scientists trying to play God, and they didn't like that too much. As of now, there have been no humans cloned.
What I would like to know is your opinion on five questions:
(1) Do you think it's ethical that we clone humans?
(2) What do you think would be the primary benefits and main drawbacks of cloning humans? That is, what could we use them for?
(3) If we do use human clones, do you think they would think the same as their actual human counterpart . . . such as, if Hitler or Osama bin Laden was cloned, would they try to take over the world and cause terror?
(4) Would the life of a human clone be less valuable than a human life? (Would it be murder to kill a clone?)
(5) Would you want to accept organs from clones if the organs kept you alive?
Thank you for your opinion!
Alex Powers
Condom Distribution in Schools

-Tashaylee Graddy
Am I old enough in your eyes?

Do you think the legal age for things such as drinking and getting into bars should be lowered to 18? Kids can be enrolled in the army and sent to die for their country, but they cannot drink or club legally. Do you think this is fair or unfair? Either way, please explain your thinking to me. What are the upside and downside to legalizing drinking and clubbing for 18-year-olds? What do you think is the ideal minimum age for drinking and getting into bars?
Are some of our laws outdated? Do you think that age laws should be reformed to a more current society?
Thanks for your help.
Adrian Enriquez
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Are Interracial Adoptions Different?

Do you think society today has accepted interracial adoptions the same way they accept same race adoptions? Do you believe being adopted into a family of a different race would have a good or bad effect on a child? What positive and negative issues do you think the child would have to deal with as he or she got older?
Hannah Miller
A robot took my job!

Marcus Colton
Welfare--when should people get help?

First, I apologize ahead of time for this long question! I am mainly trying to get your thoughts on the United States welfare system.
Welfare: a state-assisted program supported by the government to help needy families live a fair and healthy lifestyle. Welfare is for people who are poor or who are at or below the poverty level. Welfare might include giving these people cash, food stamps, low-income housing, school, vouchers for children, financial aid, and medical benefits. People who receive welfare are grouped into such categories as the unemployed, people with illness, people with a disability, the elderly, and veterans of the armed services.
As for people in the "elderly" category, there is often an age requirement on who can get help; in each state this limit is different. In some states, you must be at least 70 to get help; in other states the age is lower. In some cases, elderly people who are only two years younger than the state's age requirement are in desperate need of immediate health care . . . if they don’t get help, they’ll die.
Also, what about people who cannot work at all and the state finds them employable and they won’t give them any funds--how are they supposed to survive? Keep in mind they can't work--they want to, but they can't.
As caseloads for all the programs have soared, so have costs. The food stamps program has risen 80%, up to $70 billion. Welfare is up 24%, up to $22 billion.
Because of the current overwhelmed state of most of the welfare programs, they won't even help the unemployed in some cases--they won’t give you anything unless you have children. Of course, this makes people want to go have children, just to get funds.
Even in the state of Illinois, if you don’t have any children and are still employable but don’t have a job, they will only give you food stamps--no cash, and no medical. Do you think this is fair?
What about cases like this: Say a boyfriend & girlfriend or husband & wife split up or divorce. If the woman wasn’t working and decides to go to the government and ask for help, do you think they should help her?
The government usually won’t help anyone who is employable because all the funds are used up. These funds are used up, in part, by people lying on their taxes, by people who work under the table, and so on. A lot of the people who receive help from the government don’t really need the assistance; they just want to put extra money in their pockets. Is this fair to the people who are starving and have no place to live? How do we deal with this situation?
How does it make you feel when people just sit on their ass the whole day and don’t lift a finger to do any work for themselves, that they just live off the government? How does it feel as a taxpayer to pay for other people who take the system for granted, in return taking money or funds from people/children who really need it?
What do you think about people who use their welfare cash for alcohol or drugs? It means that money/ food wasn’t a necessity. How does that make you feel? They are taking food from a child’s mouth who was hungry just so they can get drunk or high?
Any other thoughts on the welfare program? Yes, the system is terribly abused, and some people take terrible advantage of it, but we can't just do away with it, right? So what can be done?
Thank you for your help!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Marijuana Legalized?
Many people, mostly those of the older generation, are completely against legalizing marijuana for any reason, but why? It's known to be safer than Alcohol and Cigarettes, and doesn't pose any sort of danger or risk, but is still illegal in most of the U.S.A. The fact that it is labeled as a "drug" is enough to scare many people into outlawing it, but Alcohol and even Caffeine are some lesser known "drugs." Would making Marijuana legal be enough to pull America out of it's recession like many people say? Or would it truly cause more problems that it solves?
Would you be for or against legalizing Marijuana, and why?
Jan Johnson
To spank or not to spank a child?

Do you think that there should be some kind of disciplinary action in the school system like there was in the older days? Is it ok for children to come to class and be rude and violent towards the teacher? Do you think that the disciplinary actions that are in effect in today's school systems are resulting in positive feedback from a disobedient child? What are some effective ways to discipline a child without it being considered child abuse?
Makeisha Riley
Should There Be an Age Limit on Social Networks?

Did you know that 43% of online sexual solicitors were identified as being adolescents (under 18), 30% were adults between the ages of 18 and 21, and 9% were adults over the age of 21. That means that almost half of the sexual solicitors could be taken off the internet if there was a mandatory age limit for social networking. What do you think? Should there be a mandatory age limit on social networking web pages such as facebook, twitter, and myspace? Are you involved in social networking yourself? Would you like social networking pages more or less if there was an age limit involved? Social networking can often be important for real world issues, such as elections. In 2008, President Obama had almost 3 times as many followers as McCain on facebook and myspace. Do you think this played a role in the elections?
So what do you think? Would you be alright with having to verify your age to show that you are allowed on social networking web sites? Or would you rather have everyone, regardless of age, be allowed on these web sites?
Jake Bock
Friday, July 15, 2011
Should bully breeds be banned?

In the 1950s, bully breeds were America's dogs, but today "dangerous dog" laws and breed restrictions are in place in many states and counties.
What do you think is a dangerous dog? What kind of dogs do you think fall under the breed restrictions? Why do you think so?
The ASPCA's position is to oppose any state or local law to regulate or ban dogs based on breed. Do you agree or disagree with the ASPCA? Why or why not? The ASPCA favors effective enforcement of breed neutral laws that include, enhanced enforcement of dog license laws--making sure dogs are properly licensed in each county within a specified amount of time, enhanced enforcement of leash/dog-at-large laws, focus on the behaviors of owners and dogs--obedience training, muzzling, supervision and etc, laws that hold owners financially and criminally liable for failure to follow animal control laws and laws that prohibit chaining or tethering.
Do you think that imposing these laws would decrease the fear of the bully breed? Why or why not? Do you think if these laws were imposed in our state it would make bully breed owners more responsible? Why or why not? Do you think insurance companies should be allowed to deny homeowners insurance to people who own a dog from the bully breed category? Why or why not? You can find information on the ASPCA positions and policies at the following link;
Thanks for your thoughts!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Motor cycle safety

Do you think that everyone who rides a motorcycle should have to go through a safety course and be limited to the size of motorcycle they ride until they are able to test into the size of motorcycle and classification they want to ride? Do you think the helmet law should be passed in Illinois?
Kevin Hall
Illinois Smoking Ban in Bars
The Earth is Our Responsibility